Marist Brothers High School Darlinghurst

Old Boys' Union



Blue & Blue – March 2011


Welcome to the latest edition of your B & B.


Annual Dinner:

Ø  Another successful dinner and AGM was held at the Rugby Club with over 40 in attendance. Although numbers are not great, those who came are a hardy lot and most are pledged to attend future functions.

Ø  Of note among those who attended were Br Darren Burge, Principal of The Berne School, who accepted our donation for 2010. Also attending was old boy Fr Guy Hartcher, who celebrated Mass for us. Marist Brothers attending were Tony Butler (who again provided the music at Mass), John Thompson and Lucius Burnheim.

Ø  The AGM was a record 8 mins long and you won’t be surprised to hear that the committee was returned unopposed. Accounts were again audited by our Honorary auditor. The President thanked all committee members for their input.


Centenary of MBHSD:

Ø  During the dinner, there was much discussion about the celebratory event which will be held on the 100th anniversary of the official opening of the High School. The date for diaries is Mon 11 July 2011. Details were included in the last B&B and are repeated below.


Ø  The day will commence at 10am with a Mass at The Sacred Heart, Darlinghurst, followed by a visit to the school site and thence transfer to a luncheon location by bus. Final details are to be worked through but since knowing numbers is crucial to the planning (especially the need for buses and determining an appropriate luncheon venue) we are asking everyone to pay a $20 deposit to confirm their intention to attend. The attached form is marked for that purpose. Please consider your availability and send in the form and make sure we have your preferred contact address.


Ø  So far 42 have indicated they will attend including Fr Eugene Szondi and Fr Paul Chandler who will con-celebrate Mass and several Marist Brothers old boys/teachers. We hope to get commitment from more old boy priests and brothers in the coming months and hopefully a lot more old boys. Getting numbers confirmed is our biggest challenge.


Ø  Notices have been placed in Sydney newspapers and we are approaching the Catholic Weekly in the hope of an article about the Centenary of the old high school being published in coming months.

It has troubled me that Darlo seemingly opened mid-year. I now know that the school was “suddenly” re-located from St Mary’s in 1910 and operated from premises of the Presbyterian Hall in Palmer St and on the verandahs of Stoneleigh which was in the process of being converted to house the high school. The procession was held to celebrate the finished school and presumably the full operation in July 1911. (Courtesy of some history written by a previous OBU President Mort Quoyle and sent by another ex-Pres, Mark Trainor)












Warren Thomas

9527 9857

Vice president:

Mark Sinclair




Larry Hensby

9528 3957


Vince Hallinan

9533 2237


Committee: Colin Sullivan, Br Charles Aqilina, & Dominic Sidoti


All mail to:

The Secretary,

PO Box A1411

Sydney South. 1235